
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is effective in relieving pain while improving motion. This can include include:
Dry needling
Joint mobilisation/manipulation
Visceral manipulation
Neuromeningeal manipulation
Craniosacral therapy
Trigger point therapy
Myofacial release

Clinical Pilates
Clinical Pilates is a form of exercise therapy used for:
Back and neck issues
Repetitive stress injuries
Hip, knee and ankle issues
Persistent pain or injuries
Pilates is often a helpful stepping stone to getting you back to doing what it is you love.

ConnectTherapy is a whole person framework that gets to the root cause of a person's problem. The common reason a problem persists is that it is compensating for old injuries, undesirable movement patterns or psychosocial barriers. This takes extensive postgraduate training and education to become proficient in.

Workplace Rehabilitation
As registered SIRA providers, we know the key predictor to a successful recovery from a workplace injury is good communication between your doctor, physio, rehabilitation consultant and employer. We endeavour to look at all of the factors that contribute to injury as well as providing world class rehabilitation.

We're currently undergoing NDIS registration so if your plan is self managed or agency managed, we're able to see you as an unregistered NDIS practitioner. We understand the challenges involved in living with a disability and we're here to support you with your goals, big or small.

Running Assessment
Steve has worked with professional and even Olympic level runners and it continues to be one of his key passions.. To learn more about running biomechanics and coaching, read this blog.

Post Operative Rehab
We understand the challenges that come with orthopaedic surgery and are here to guide you every step of the way. Whether it's a joint replacement, arthroscopic repair or ligament reconstruction, with 10 years of experience we've seen it all.

Concussion Rehabilitation
We know the difficulties of living with post concussion syndrome (PCS). Unfortunately it's no one sized fits all but requires an individualised approach to make sure you're treating the right area. Luckily, Steve's extensive done post graduate training on concussion and the brain to help you through recovery.

Telehealth Physio
Whether you're short on time, can't come into the clinic or are feeling worried about sickness telehealth can be a great alternative to in person physio (it even has some benefits). With the growth of technology, we can analyse your movement better than ever before.

Hip and Pelvis Pain Treatment
Hip and groin pain be frustrating and limiting to your lifestyle. It might have started after a big hike, giving birth to children, starting a new exercise regimen or can often feel like it's come from nowhere. Whether it's been happening for a week or a year, the first thing you need to try and do is work out where its coming from.

Back Pain Treatment
As experts at spinal conditions and treatments, we look a the whole body and how your movement patterns, posture and any other factors might be influencing your spinal health. Using a combination of hands on treatment and exercise you can change spinal loading to reduce pain. Read more about upper back pain here or low back pain with the link below.

Shoulder Pain Treatment
Shoulder pain can be very frustrating if the issue persists and can even get in the way of doing your job well or whatever else it is you love. The shoulder is the most mobile part of the human body. What this means is there is a lot that can go wrong and it is a common place where the body will compensate.

Elbow Pain Treatment
Elbow pain can encompass a group of conditions. Although it's more common for elbow injuries to come on gradually from overuse, it can be possible to develop acute, serious elbow pain acutely with no apparent reason.

Wrist and Hand Pain Treatment
Hand and wrist pain can encompass a group of conditions. Although it's more common for hand injures to come on gradually from overuse.

Persistent Pain Treatment
When pain persists for over 3 months it's classed as 'persistent'. When this is the case you often need to look at other factors outside of the body that may be contributing.

Neck Pain and Headaches
Whether you're dealing with a stiff neck, you can't turn your head or you have a throbbing headache we're here to help! Causes of neck pain vary so it's important to have a clear understanding of what's causing your problem.